Thursday, 5 February 2015

Poem of the Day

I wrote this during a difficult time in my life. It was a helpful reminder to me to find the beauty in every aspect of my life; the joy in sorrow.

Sorrow, come and be my joy
Join me here for midday tea
'Neath the shade of willow-weep
Share my broken company.

Leave me not for gladder souls
Share with me thy sweet refrain
Cold would be the carefree heart
That from sorrow would abstain

In thy sage and boundless soul
Precious jew'ls lay hidden deep
Diamonds rare and rubies that
Make those born in mirth seem cheap.

Would the faint inner churning
Lend to me a written prayer
Cause a dried and barren well
With thy waters more to bear

When my soul has given forth
All the sweetness sorrow brings
Then let joyousness return
Join the singing my soul sings.

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